
The output format is the same as the input but the _meta object has these differences:

  • No id or url keys.
  • Only originPath and equals keys.
  • treePath object type:
    • tree is a string referring to the input tree file.
    • path is an array of strings, indicating the object path to the node in the input tree.
  • originPath
    • Is a treePath pointing to the node in the input tree.
  • equals
    • Is an array of treePath that points to semantically equal nodes in all input trees.
How to use your output JSON file that represents a single normalised category system

The output file enables a single user interface to a single category system that contains items in all the input trees. You can use it as part of a script to add the normalised category to each item in your database system.

If you JSON.parse both your input  and output JSON files, you can find the original input nodes ID by using inputTree[a][b][c]._meta.id in your language of choice (a, b, c refers to the strings at the 0, 1, 2  indexes in treePath.path).

Example output JSON file

This is the file you will download after you have merged all the input trees via the tree-merge.com web interface: